The Journey To Self starts here….
Let’s work together….
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Who do you think you are?

Whilst for  some of us, that phrase may have the spice girls singing , dancing and oooing around in our heads, to many of us, if we take a moment to ponder it on a deeper level, it probably means so much more. 

Who do you think you are?

‘Who do you think YOU are, they asked at the same time looking you up and down with disgust on their face… Did this ever happen to you? Did you feel slighly triggered by this description?’

Yesterday while out on the motorbike, whirling and twirling around the roads of Tenerife, I created a video in my head. As those of you know this is often when some of my deepest thoughts come to me. I’ll share the link to the video I made as a result of that process in just a moment, but first.. I would like you to do an exercise.

Repeat this phrase out loud and add different intonation to it….

Laughing- Who do you think you are.

Scornful – Who do you think you are.

Nastily – Who do you think you are.

Now watch the video… LINK…NOTE: if you are already feeling sensitive and emotional, watching the video may trigger you. Please use your own judgement on this. 

After doing the exercise and maybe watching the video…

How did that phrase land with you..? What were the feelings in your body? What answers did you give yourself? Did you shrink from the question?

Sometimes a ‘look’ is all it took for us to diminish ourselves, to shrink, to make ourselves smaller and hide away, to create a story around who we are and why they looked at us like that. And it was usually bad, about us, for us. 

Very bad, because those stories go unnoticed and become the basis of our beliefs, habits, self talk, attitudes and daily actions many years later, still carrying weight in our day to day decisions and energetic/emotional balance. 

I created another video.. Well to be honest this was the first one. I had a couple of clients watch it and they were worried people would not like seeing me the way I portrayed myself in the video. But the reality of it is, it was me, It was me in my own Judge mode.. The judge that we ALL have inside ourselves that we judge ourselves and others from every single day. I’m happy to day that my judge is much less of a dominant voice these days, yet it is still there but much more balanced now as I have got to know myself deeply and cultivated and sat in a space of  love with all the parts that had felt judged, that had been left out in the cold, made to play small and made to wonder that ‘who they were’,  was bad, wrong, useless. 

remember that this is the voice of my judge when it spoke to me in the past, but now we have made friends and it’s very rare that the judge speaks to me so nastily these days. It’s also often helpful to see it as the voice of the judge of the other person that maybe said it to you or behaved in that way towards you.

I want you to befriend your judge, I want you to balance the negative perceptions and beliefs that are still niggling under the surface going unnoticed and unloved. 

My Core Programme is Becoming You.. There are a few ways you can work through the becoming You programme, depending on where you are at in your journey,  and how much support you need/want to go through the process. 

Please reach out and tell me you  are Ready To Thrive if you would like to chat to me about the options available to you.


